Economics Infrastructure Policy

Infrastructure Haikus

We are drowning in a sea of information. But knowledge can be hard won and wisdom sometimes seems almost impossible to implement. Many would experience this in the infrastructure sector. So for those that follow me on LinkedIn, I thought a series of infrastructure haikus might be a novel way to look at some of the issues.

Early vision cast,
Needs and dreams on paper sketched,
Blueprints in the mist.

Funding battles fought,
Public voice and budgets weigh,
Choice in numbers set.

Designs come to life,
Engineers and planners meet,
Maps turn into roads.

Shovels break the ground,
Concrete, steel take form and rise,
Promise now concrete.

Operate, maintain,
Wear and tear meet watchful eyes,
Cycle starts again.

End of useful life,
Time to reassess the need,
Planning is reborn.

Each haiku focuses on a specific phase of infrastructure planning, from initial conception to design, construction, operation, maintenance, and eventually reconsideration for future needs. Collectively, they aim to encapsulate the cyclical, ongoing nature of infrastructure planning and its multifaceted aspects.

What’s the haiku for your patch?

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